It's true... some guys are just legends. But this one, he's different. Many have their theories, but I believe it's because beneath his easy-going, kind and smiling exterior, is a dangerous gentleman you can count on to tell you the truth, neat without the chaser. That's about as rare today as what he's built with his team, so buckle up... it's about to get good!
In crazy times like these, we seek the rogue, the innovator, the leader with a spine and moral compass. An individual who can pivot, leap and take a sledgehammer to the stonewalled doctrines of the past, leaving a macabre behind without apology because it's time for bravery.
This is the story of Dr. Galen Detrik, a lone ranger in the trenches with an army of free thinkers at his back, carving away at a novel approach to the world and craftsmanship of dentistry.
What one may not recognize however about this aficionado of signature Gin & Tonics and gorgeous FMR's, is his labyrinth psyche, a type of genius when it comes to turning average into transcendent.
Dr. Detrik is the CEO and Co-Founder of the company and sub-culture The THRIVE Dentists.
And in case you didn't know, THRIVE stands for Time, Happiness, Relevance, Income, Value & Experiences, the six core pillars to a rich and vibrant existence with lasting impact.
When asked what makes THRIVE different, Dr. Detrik concisely explained that “More often than not, we find ourselves pandering to the crowd, forgetting our core values and who we really are. True freedom comes when you can make a habit of getting comfortable being uncomfortable.”
He added that when we settle for "good enough", "fine" or "better than most", it says something about us - that we haven’t made a decision to pursue excellence - ultimately resulting in surviving rather than THRIVING. Hence the purpose behind his company's namesake.
THRIVE was founded on a burning desire to challenge dentists who have always wanted to go against the grain, to do just that and become wildly successful in designing a life around their truest intents. End result - zero mother-flippin' regrets. As he often says on calls, "stay hungry, stay humble".
Born and raised in New Mexico, Dr. Detrik embodies an unquenchable, almost provocative thirst for life. He’s a classically trained Spanish guitarist, writes, directs and stars in his own music videos, is an incredible vocalist, a rabid athlete, master businessman and the list goes on.
He credits his “bold as brass” existence to the influence of his parents, both of whom are wandering souls, immersed in their crafts of carpentry & art.
However, he adds that in large part, it was and remains his faith in God that urges him on towards excellence and beauty in all things, bringing order to the chaos - be that a present husband and father, a zealous entrepreneur or a muse for his dental patients & colleagues.
His career as a dental pioneer began in 2014. Tired of his lackluster routine, Dr. Detrik made the decision he was no longer going to entertain a life of lack, an all too familiar story to a new generation of dentists.
He gave himself the permission to dream and chase after a life worth living, even if that came with a few lean years of struggle, as most stories of success begin with.
This was when THRIVE was born. He unabashedly made the choice to leave conventional dentistry, take risks, invest in his greatest self and learn from the best - some of which include Mike Dillard & David Neagle, industry leaders in their own rights.
Many docs are well acquainted with and continue to discover just how incredible his virtual platform has become, a host to a myriad of unique and unconventional dental masterclasses that challenge the long established "CE status quo", with a global reach of THRIVE docs that currently extends from Dubai to London to New York and everywhere in between.
What most don't know however, is that the elaborate and unparalleled beauty in the aesthetic and design of the THRIVEContinuum and THRIVEMasterclasses is largely him as well, because as he's often quoted saying - "how you do one thing, is how you'll do everything."
There was no achievement he wouldn't labor intensely towards. From meriting the cover of the Journal of Cosmetic Dentistry just 4 years out of school with a de novo composite technique, followed quickly by a revolutionary Inside Dentistry cover on real-time tethered photography for anterior aesthetics, to lecturing and leading hands-on workshops at the prestigious AACD as well as famed Center for Esthetic Excellence in Chicago, Dr. Detrik is one of very few dentists in the field to have achieved what he has at his age.
In fact, he's even been interviewed on some of the world's largest podcasts both inside & outside dentistry given his unique story and style, such as the Mike Dillard Podcast with over 5MM downloads!
He also consistently mentors hundreds of his colleagues at THRIVELIVE events and workshops such as WOLFPACK | A Full Arch Dental Residency and TIME | The In-Person Mentorship Experience... perhaps his favorite mediums, given the personal interaction and magnitude of the tangible results!
Admiring all that he has architected, I see now that he must have had a lot of courage to attain this level of excellence. He went all in on his vision - full offense, bold faced, zero tolerations for BS - and won!
I say that because while trailblazing hasn't been easy, he now has two successful FFS practices, produces more per hour than 5-6 dentists combined, practices 3 days a week and still prioritizes his faith, family and THRIVE Tribe doctors. That's the reward I suppose for persisting in the path less traveled.
As Admiral Halsey of WWII once said "Touch a thistle timidly, and it pricks you; grasp it boldly and its spines crumble.” That perfectly sums up THRIVEStyle, 'the way of the THRIVE doc' as they say.
In a matter of speaking, Dr. Detrik now stands atop a mountain of his own, sweaty, bloodied and battered having paved the way amidst his fair share of arrows from "the industry"... but with no less satisfaction nor humility for what has been accomplished. To me that was always, and will remain his goal.
“I never want to get to a bend in the road and supposing it to be the end, to stop running. I believe that no matter what stage of life we are in, God designed us with purpose.”
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