To: You ;)

From: Drs. Galen, Davina & Devin


Most CE is decent. A few courses are great. The rarest of rare... change your life.

Typically, you learn a new technique from Dr. X; a morning huddle hack from Consultant Y; and a case acceptance pearl from Salesman Z.

A few years into practice, you've Frankensteined a makeshift system that relies 110% on you to sustain it, tweak it, motivate it and grow it. No wonder you're tired.

That's the state of CE: a consumer's paradise and an implementer's nightmare.

Information is great, but there is an immense gap between theoretical and practical.

The LAB 🧪 closes that gap.

We built dentistry's first and only, living and breathing (LAB) CE continuum that takes the guesswork out of becoming a wildly productive, masterful and fulfilled dentist.

12 courses that cover the major tenets of business management, clinical mastery & lifestyle creation that we have diligently curated for the past 15 years.

The LAB is for anyone motivated to change their practice and life. That's why it's the most comprehensive yet least expensive CE continuum in all of dentistry.

That's intentional. Here's why...

We began our careers in associateships that failed miserably. We worked $50/hr jobs in public health. And we've weathered the storms of practice ownership.

Our practice, VIDA Dental Studio, is what we always dreamt of. What began not long ago as a rough start in a challenging field, has blessed us with phenomenal patients, a 3 day / week schedule and a team that helped us hit $5.1M last year.

That's why The LAB is less than an ortho case for a years worth of all you see below.

We remember what it was like making less than our hygienists some days, paying ourselves last, wondering if we'd chosen the wrong field. That ain't the vibe.

We want to give you the roadmap, ride, a full tank of gas and keys to an unparalleled future of possibility... because dentistry has so much to give you. 

Gear up compadre, for what might just change your life.

Welcome to CE that will blow your mind 🤯 not your paycheck 💸

The LAB 🧪 - 12 Courses to Practice Mastery

Systems & Operations

Ever wish there was a course on how to run a dental practice with fundamental systems, yet infused with your personality?

01 ESNTL will teach you the essential systems & operations you need to build a THRIVING dental practice.

TX Presentation

How much does it suck knowing you can help someone but struggling to help them see the value in the treatment they need?

02 CREDO will teach you to transform skeptics into die-hard fans that pay you using our creative conversion formula.

Dental Photography

Pretty pictures are great, but wouldn't it be nice to know how to easily take AND make them do all the telling and selling for you?

03 AVANT will teach you to unlock next level case acceptance with simple photography & avant garde marketing!

DX & TX Planning

Have you noticed that medicine and dentistry are starting to intersect, and not just that, the issues we're facing are more complex?

04 SIGMA will teach you to pioneer a novel dental & medical protocol for the future of advanced health care.

Magnetic Marketing

Dentistry is fast becoming a two-tiered industry... will you be among the patient-centric brands that survives and THRIVE's? 

05 VOGUE will teach you to align your core values and convictions with a clean, authentic brand & aesthetic.

Direct Skillsets

Have you noticed a marked increase in the dental IQ of your patients asking you to preserve their tooth structure with bonding?

06 RECR8 will teach you to master the art and science of bio-emulation utilizing new tech & conservative direct techniques.

Indirect Skillsets

Ever wanted to do bigger, more profitable & challenging cases but found yourself second-guessing and doubting your abilities?

07 REGEN will teach you to master the art and science of bio-regeneration utilizing new tech & indirect techniques.

Leadership & Team

Have you ever been told you need to lead a certain way, but found it didn't suit you, that somehow you were just different?

08 HUMAN will teach you to delve into what makes you human and unleash the power of your personality & genetics.

Health & Fitness

Do you find that dentistry demands so much of you that it often creates life imbalance, from fitness to diet and enjoyment?

09 MBODY will teach you to master psychology and maximize your physiology to embody the healthiest version of you.

Wealth Generation

Ever feel like you work harder to make more, only to pay bigger bills, more in taxes and somehow end up no further ahead?

10 QNTUM will teach you to generate quantum leaps in your credit, debt & savings goals to escape the 'scarcity loop'.

Personal Brand

We ask our patients to invest in themselves and uplevel their lives, but ever feel like you could use that same boost in confidence?

11 STYLE will teach you to boldly step into your very own style, a level of magnetism that captivates your audience.

Exit Strategies

When you take CE with THRIVE, you'll want to practice forever, but have you planned for the inevitable, as well as the unexpected?

12 LEGCY will teach you to strategically prepare for your exit plan & legacy as you create a THRIVEStyle Practice™

$497 / mo

*no blood oath or fine print contract, stay as long or as little as you like

What Comes With The LAB 👇🏽 

✅  All 12 LAB 🧪 Courses

  • ESNTL - Practice Systems
  • CREDO - Case Acceptance
  • AVANT - Luxe Photography
  • SIGMA - DX & TX Planning
  • VOGUE - Takeover Marketing
  • RECR8 - Direct Techniques
  • REGEN - Indirect Techniques
  • HUMAN - Team Leadership
  • MBODY - Health & Fitness
  • QNTUM - Wealth Generation
  • STYLE - Personal Branding
  • LEGCY - Exit Strategies

✅  Instructor Mentorship

  • Forum - Q&A + Guidance

✅  VIP Product Savings

  • $$$ - Software + Materials

 ✅  Team Access To The LAB 🧪

  • VIPricing - Team Access 

✅  50+ PACE AGD CE Hours



*save money because you know you're going to love every single minute!

What Comes With The LAB 👇🏽 

✅  All 12 LAB 🧪 Courses

  • ESNTL - Practice Systems
  • CREDO - Case Acceptance
  • AVANT - Luxe Photography
  • SIGMA - DX & TX Planning
  • VOGUE - Takeover Marketing
  • RECR8 - Direct Techniques
  • REGEN - Indirect Techniques
  • HUMAN - Team Leadership
  • MBODY - Health & Fitness
  • QNTUM - Wealth Generation
  • STYLE - Personal Branding
  • LEGCY - Exit Strategies

✅  Instructor Mentorship

  • Forum - Q&A + Guidance

✅  VIP Product Savings

  • $$$ - Software + Materials

 ✅  Team Access To The LAB 🧪

  • VIPricing - Team Access 

✅  50+ PACE AGD CE Hours